Thursday, October 27, 2016

WP1 Checklist

WP1 Checklist
Here’s a list of features for a solid research-based "academic argument" that I’ll be looking for in your WP1:

·      Introduction captures the reader’s interest, sets the stage for the paper, addresses the “so what?” question, and includes a specific thesis statement of what you intend to argue in the paper.   

·      Thesis statement is clear, “arguable,” and drives the analysis of your evidence

·      The topic, itself, is addressed but it is not the major focus of the paper!
o   Remember: this is paper about examining writing, writers’ various choices, and, the impact that this has on readers.  We're studying how writers construct texts and how readers interpret writers' texts.  This paper is not about beauty products, sports, video games, the election, or racism.  It’s about what writers choose to include in their writing when they explore these issueswhat conventions they adhere to, what rhetorical strategies they use, what evidence they include, etc — and why.

·      Multiple forms of evidence are included:
o   Extensive use of textual data (of the different genre examples) that support your claims
o   At least 2 different course readings are integrated in your paper

·      Both direct citations (word-for-word, verbatim) and indirect citations (paraphrased) are included
o   Brackets used to modify at least one direct citation

·      The paper unfolds in a logical/reader-friendly manner

·      Attention is paid to who wrote each piece, their ethos, their purpose for writing, etc.

·      Attention is paid to some of the different reading strategies/approaches that we’ve been studying.

·      Standard MLA citation practices
o   Works Cited page
o   Your name, course, and date are listed at the top of the first page
o   Paper is double-spaced and page numbers are listed at the bottom of the page
o   12-point Times New Roman font

·      “Little things” (re: our weekly “writing tips”)
o   Use of more descriptive action verbs instead of “says” (ie, the author says that, “…”)
o   Dashes (at least 1x)
o   Hyphens (at least 1x)
o   Oxford commas (used in all series of 3 or more, please!  Ie, x, y, and z…)
o   Italics: used for emphasis—but sparingly!) and for technical Writing/Composition terms

·      At least 4 (full) pages and no more than 5.

·      Paper must be submitted to me via the “Sharing” option on Google Docs.

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