Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Class Canceled on Wednesday, November 2nd

(I emailed this information to you, but the CCP email system is a bit "wonky," so I thought I'd post it on this blog to be safe.)

ENG 101-108rs,

I need to cancel class on Wednesday, November 2nd.  After class last Friday, I began having intense back spasms and I had to go to the hospital.  I was admitted into the emergency room, and I've been trying to recover since.  Although I'm hanging in there, I'm still in a lot of pain, and I need to cancel class because I can't quite move/walk just yet.  

We can't afford to miss more class time, so we will definitely be having class on Friday, November 4th, even if SEPTA is still on strike.  I understand that it's probably very difficult for you to get around with the buses and subways out of operation -- it's going to be tough for me too -- but it's super-important that you make it to class on Friday.  We'll be starting our WP2 unit, and it's essential that you're there to understand what we're doing from the get-go.  Please be there on Friday and don't be late. 

While I have your "ear," I want to lay out a couple more thoughts:
  1. If you've submitted your WP1 on time, you should have received my feedback/comments, along with your grade.  Please know that my comments are intended to guide your WP1 for the "final final" portfolio submission.  In other words, you'll be submitting this ONE LAST TIME at the very end of the semester.  Although I ask you a lot of tough questions in my feedback, these are the crucial questions that will help you help yourself to find ways of improving your writing.
  2. Some of you haven't still submitted your WP1s.  Aaaaaaaaaaaaand... that's not good -- not at all.  You absolutely POSITIVELY have to submit your WP1 ASAP if you want to be eligible to earn credit for this course.  There's no excuse to NOT turn this assignment in -- you've had plenty of time.
  3. Take some time to work on your thlogs.  As I've mentioned many times, almost all of you are way behind on your thlog posts.  Folks, this should be an easy 5 points.  All you've got to do is set aside some time, think hard about what you're learning and what you're struggling with, be specific, and make some tie-ins to our course readings.  Boo, bam!  Done!  If you don't have at least 2 thorough thlogs posted by Sunday afternoon, you will begin losing points that you can't get back.
  4. All told, what I'm getting at is this: get on the ball, folks.  I need everybody to step it up.   This is college, and you're here because you WANT to be here.  Stay on top of your work.  This 10-week semester schedule moves super-fast, but I need you to stay on top of all of your work.  If you feel lost, please do your part and re-read/revisit the lesson plans, the course readings, and the blog posts.  You can always, always, always come to me for extra help, but I need you to do all of the work that I've laid out first.
See you on Friday.


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