Sunday, October 9, 2016

PB1A: Dissecting a Genre’s Rhetorical Features and Conventions

PB1A: Dissecting a Genre’s Rhetorical Features and Conventions (at least 500 words)
  • Pick a textual genre that you’re familiar with—a tweet, a college admissions essay, a romance novel—that we haven’t discussed together in class.
  • Find 3 examples of it and analyze their rhetorical features (audience, purpose, context, style, tone) and conventions.  Then consider: what makes this thing this thing?  (What makes a tweet a tweet?)  Once you’ve done that, make a claim about which one you think is the best and why.
  • Support your claims by including direct references to the samples that you found.  If, for instance, you’re analyzing fast food billboards, and you want to claim that Chick-fil-A uses humor more effectively than McDonald’s, then prove it: quote the words on the billboard and/or describe the images that you see.
  • I’d like to be able to actually see what you’re basing your PB1A on, so please try to post visual evidence of your samples to your blogs—pictures, links, etc.  You could even snap a picture of something on a phone, email it to yourself, download it to a computer, and then upload it to your blog.

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